Dnes, 17.09.2024 (úterý), není dostupná nová instance e-INFRA CZ G2 OpenStack cloudu v Brně [1], došlo k neplánovanému výpadku. Nedostupnost se týká některých již běžících virtuálních strojů, jejich samotné fungování pokračuje bez omezení. Dále je zpomalena doba odezvy API služeb. Hlavní G1 OpenStack cloud v Brně [2] funguje bez omezení.
Today, 17.09.2024 (Tuesday), the new instance of e-INFRA CZ G2 OpenStack cloud in Brno [1] is unavailable, there was an unplanned outage. Outage affects some already running virtual servers, which remain functional without connectivity. API services are functional, but with longer response time. The main G1 OpenStack cloud in Brno [2] is not affected.
[1] https://brno.openstack.cloud.e-infra.cz
[2] https://cloud.metacentrum.cz, https://cloud.muni.cz
Other e-INFRA CZ Cloud Computing Services
G1 OpenStack site in Brno
Another e-INFRA CZ OpenStack cloud site located in Brno. Use multi-cloud deployments to ensure reliability and availability of your deployed application.
Container cloud
Simplify your infrastructure with container platform service. Streamline deployment, scaling and management of your research applications with Kubernetes.