Od 1. února 2025 je možné migrovat osobní projekty z původní instance Openstack cloudu cloud.muni.cz do nové generace openstack.cloud.e-infra.cz. Více informací o migraci se lze dočíst v dokumentaci.
Zdroje v osobních projektech slouží pro testovací účely a jako takové jsou dočasné. Administrátoři jsou oprávněni uvolnit všechny přidělené zdroje včetně ukončení běžících virtuálních strojů po 6 měsících v souladu s Cloudovou politikou. Pro dlouhodobé služby jsou určeny skupinové projekty.
From February 1, 2025, it is possible to migrate personal projects from the original Openstack cloud instance cloud.muni.cz to the new generation openstack.cloud.e-infra.cz. More information about migration can be found in the documentation.
Resources in personal projects are for testing purposes and as such are temporary. Administrators are authorized to release all allocated resources, including terminating running virtual machines after 6 months, in accordance with the Cloud Policy. Group projects are intended for long-term services.

What is e-INFRA CZ Cloud?
e-INFRA CZ Cloud offers a flexible computing and storage environment suitable for a wide variety of applications. These include, but are not limited to, web-based services and portals, container hosts, HPC worker nodes, CI/CD worker nodes, database hosts, and numerous complex scientific use cases.

e-INFRA CZ Cloud
The e-INFRA CZ Cloud is operated by MetaCentrum, CESNET department responsible for coordination of computing services, on behalf of e-INFRA CZ. Partners involved in the development of the e-INFRA CZ Cloud, providing computing resources and using the cloud service:
- IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center,
- Institute of Computer Science of Masaryk University
- and other partners representing national and international user communities

Accessing e-INFRA CZ Cloud
e-INFRA CZ Cloud is accessible to
- all users of the Czech e-infrastructure for science, development, and education,
- selected national and international user communities.
Other e-INFRA CZ Cloud Computing Services
G1 OpenStack site in Brno
Another e-INFRA CZ OpenStack cloud site located in Brno. Use multi-cloud deployments to ensure reliability and availability of your deployed application.
Container cloud
Simplify your infrastructure with container platform service. Streamline deployment, scaling and management of your research applications with Kubernetes.